Scotland for Lindblad Expeditions and National Geographic Expeditions

Periodically throughout the year, I teach photography aboard the Lindblad and National Geographic Expeditions vessels. This summer, I had the privilege of leading two groups on Lord of the Glens as we explored Scotland's Caledonian Canal and Inner Hebrides. A few images from the voyage are below.

Video of Cory Booker for Vox Media

Vox Media held a conference in Washington, D.C. called Vox Conversations. It was an invitation-only event for guests to assess what has changed, what hasn't, and what comes next with a new administration in the White House. Over a two-day period, I filmed interviews with prominent guest speakers, including one with New Jersey Senator Cory Booker (story).

Senator Bernie Sanders for The Guardian

For The Guardian, I filmed a reporter-led interview and made portraits of Senator Bernie Sanders on Capitol Hill. The story ran here. Screenshots highlighting the published piece are below.