Photo District News (PDN) Photo Annual 2014 Contest

Eric Kruszewski photographs a male silverback mountain gorilla in Rwanda’s Volcanoes National Park.

There is something profoundly special about an encounter with a wild gorilla. I created this winning series of images while on a journey throughout Rwanda’s Volcanoes National Park and Uganda’s Bwindi Impenetrable Forest. The gorilla families whom I visited contained 29 and 24 members, respectively. Each day, I was allowed only one hour with the highly social, and mobile, diurnal animals. During that timeframe, the gorillas’ unique personality and behavioral traits fascinated me, and I wanted to capture the variety of expressions.  Some gorillas would be docile, others playful, a few curious and several even somewhat aggressive. With such an abundance of activity, it felt possible to get figuratively lost in the moments. At one point, a ranger approached me and whispered in my ear, “Eric, look around you right now. You are completely surrounded by gorillas.” Upon hearing this, all one could do was try to relax, observe and enjoy the enlightening experience.

The PDN winners gallery is here. National Geographic Creative also shared my experience on its website here.

Portrait - Edward Smith, Jr. for The New York Times

Edward Smith, Jr., a lawyer in Baltimore, Maryland, recently defended Roy Lee Clark. Mr. Lee, tried for trafficking 1-kg of heroin, took a chance at trial instead of accepting a plea bargain. He lost big when the court found him guilty – a decision that came with a life-in-prison sentence. Mr. Smith, a litigator for 4 decades, and an actor in his spare time, is astounded at such harsh judgements placed on criminals. He accommodated me for a brief portrait session in his office. The full story is here.

Meet Harrison Paul - Our Family's Newest Addition

Friends and family, meet Harrison Paul. Harrison Paul, one day you will learn who we all are. On August 8th, 2013, my brother and his lovely wife welcomed their first child into this world…and thus the first grandson and nephew. Therefore, with feet supporting a 7-lb, 12-ounce body, Harrison Paul has big shoes to fill. It also means that HP will receive an abundance of love and attention from grandparents and relatives. Some of that fondness came in the form of a road trip by my parents and me. Shortly after Harrison was born, we drove to Chicago from Baltimore in order to meet our family’s newest addition. We felt pure excitement as we were introduced to this beautiful bundle of joy. It is a pleasure to introduce him to you.

2013 Prix de la Photographie (PX3), Paris Photo Prize

The Prix de la Photographie is one of Europe’s most prestigious photography competitions. Each year, the organization receives thousands of entries from around the globe. The 2013 Prix de la Photographie recently announced the results. I was ecstatic to learn that my imagery from a project in Mozambique was recognized with an Honorable Mention in the Editorial Category. To capture the imagery, I had traveled to Mozambique with VOX United (a non-profit organization based in Michigan). With the assistance of their team, I was able to gain access to remote villages and focus my camera on pertinent issues regarding water well installation, its effect on the community and accessibility to clean water. The portfolio that received the award is below.